Heyyo !
Long time no post le oh.
Val- Hey Val ! Link me up yeahs?
Sze Jie- Thanks. (:
Xiao Tong- Stop it laa. Very irritated you know.
Bella- Its hard to explain. And I'm not chio okayys. o.o
Replied le uh. Dun say i never reply.
Anyway, found this on someone's blog, looks cool ley ;
Who says english is easy? Fill in the blank with either Yes or No.
Oh __ , I'm a loser. :D
Harhar. Kinda stupid but wdv. (:
Today go back school for supp and Science Enrichment.
Super sian, lucky got JunSen and Daphne to make everything right. ;D
Fun and got a scolding after tht. :)
I hate the teacher manzxcs. Idk why she can teach us lo.
Hmm nthg much to post le. Tc (:
'{ Violette ♥